Telling Our Stories - St. John's Epsicopal Church

Christians are a people of stories. We are connected, inspired, and nurtured by the stories of Scripture, the stories of Christians throughout history, and the stories of the people who worship next to us each week. During Lent, listen here for a podcast featuring a member of our community telling a faith story. Then, join us on Sunday mornings at 10am to talk more with our storyteller and talk about your connections to their story.

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Thursday Feb 18, 2021

Listen to St. John's Episcopal Church members tell their stories of faith. On this episode, Susan Swann tackles the word "zeal," and tells a story about how she is coming to reclaim the role that zeal plays in her life.

Thursday Feb 18, 2021

Listen to St. John's Episcopal Church members tell their stories of faith. On this episode, Heidi Joos tells a story about following the way of Jesus even when it meant giving up a life she thought she would have.

Saturday Feb 13, 2021

Listen to St. John's Episcopal Church members tell their stories of faith. On this episode, Tom Lutes talks about God's movement, vocation, and finding connection in unexpected places.

Saturday Feb 13, 2021

Listen to St. John's Episcopal Church members tell their stories of faith. On this episode, Doug Mensing describes finding the Holy Spirit present in both times of joy and struggle.

Thursday Feb 11, 2021

Listen to St. John's Episcopal Church members tell their stories of faith. On this episode, Rie Gilsdorf talks about how she found God in what was a time of transition and uncertainty.

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